Sunday, July 1, 2012

Fundraising and more

It can be VERY overwhelming to think about the different expenses that come along with adoption (home study, cost of the agency, birth mothers living expenses, and the legal fees). I just finished reading a book called Adoption without Debt. It was a great book with lots of fundraising ideas for your adoption. I would recommend this book for anyone who is thinking about adoption and the major expenses that come along with adoption.
There were some awesome ideas for fundraising in this book; hosting different benefits, karaoke party, etc. Unfortunately, we just haven’t established a large enough social network here…. yet to host these ideas. Most of you know, we sent out a ministry letter explaining our dream. Also, I have done different things to cut living costs (couponing, cutting down on entertainment, etc.) I have even started collecting soda cans to turn into the recyclers. Nathan goes through a ton of soda and every bit counts. I have even recruited my Grandma and sister into collecting cans. If you are local and would like to donate your cans please let us know!

Other exciting news…

One of my closest friends contacted me the other day. She informed me that she is opening her own etsy account and whatever she sells a part of that will be donated to us and our adoption. She has such a huge heart! We are so blessed to have her and her family in our lives.

It is becoming more and more apparent that this is what God wants for us. Doors keep on opening up and we couldn’t be more excited.

Until next time…

1 comment:

  1. Hey Meg, let me know what her Etsy account is and I could link it to my blog. Xo, Ashley
